Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Low

Well, I have officially sunk to an almost all time low with what I will do for my children. Nicholas and Rachel and I were buying Pete some presents at Game Stop and of course, Rachel had to go potty (pee - which is important to note here). We had already planned to go next door to Magic Dragon to take some noodles home for dinner. So we rush out of Game Stop (while in the middle of a sale) and hit the bathroom next door.
Now Grandma White had just been here and of course bought Rachel some beautiful rings (which don't quite fit yet). Rachel had one of them on.
She sits down to go pee, and I hear a strange noise as if something fell in the toilet. Of course, it is her ring from Grandma.
I try to blow it off like nothing happened, completely starting to think of what I am going to have to do.
Rachel immediately starts screaming and crying that "it is her favorite ring" and "Grandma got those for me".
Trying to reason in the bathroom of a fast food Chinese place is very difficult.
SO ------------------- I stick my hand down into the pee water and fish out the ring. Then proceed to tell Rachel that she owes me big for doing this and that it is the grossest thing ever to put your hand in a toilet with pee in it.

All I am thankful for is that she didn't have to POOP!

1 comment:

Jules said...

Well, I guess after you've changed a gazillion diapers and gotten God knows what on yourself, a little dip in the pee pot is no big deal ;)!